I done been tagged
A quick note: This little thing came across my myspace page so I filled it out, but I thought it was impressive enough to post here. I think that I was fairly honest and I hope to hear your thoughts on it.
Here's how it works: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 20 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 or more people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (tag, you're it) to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.
1. Like Dave, I used to write poetry in high school. Some if it was actually published, but I read it now, and wonder, was my life really that awful.
2. I do regret parts of my past, but only because of the way my actions hurt others. I was a terrible person for awhile, and hurt many of those closest to me. Thankfully, I've been forgiven by my friends and have hopefully grown up.
3. I taught vacation bible school at my church for a summer. (Blows your mind doesn't it?)
4. I was in chorus for six years, but I haven't sang since high school. I know my wife wishes I'd sing again, she misses it, but I don't even know if I can anymore.
5. I've been married for over nine years, and every once in awhile, I still find myself being amazed by that. I married way out of my league and I worry that some day, she'll figure that out.
6. I'm not sure why, but I cry a lot at movies, not even sure why. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, which I know is hard to believe, but there it is.
7. I know it sounds crazy, but I really do like to work, as far as physical labor. There's something pure about it. Maybe that's why I like working wth Habitat for Humanity, hard work and helping people at the same time.
8. I'm always amazed at how wonderful my friends are. I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life and I'll never be able to repay all of you for being there for me.
9. I love motorcycles, but I doubt I'll ever own one. I know I'd end up crashing one and killing myself, and I really don't need that in my life.
10. My greatest fear is that I'll end up in a wheelchair or somehow disabled. Maybe it's from recovering from three back surgeries, but I can't stand the thought of being handicapped.
11. I never used to be, but now I'm actually scared of my power tools. It makes it a little harder to build things if you're afraid of cutting off fingers. I realize that it's a healthy thing, not wanting to lose parts, but I hope at least a little of the trepidation wears off once the scars heal.
12. I'm scared that I'll be an awful father. I think that's why I'm so afraid to have kids.
13. I worked at Maurice's back in the day, and I was excellent at picking out women's clothing. I've actually bought most of my wife's clothes and help her pick out outfits whenever I can.
14. I hate brushing my teeth. I do it very rarely and it drives my wife crazy.
15. I still don't know what I want to be if I grow up.
16. I really, really, really don't want to leave MT. I love it here and I'm scared I'll never get to move back here once I leave.
17. I believe in Bigfoot. He's out there, you'll see.
18. I worry that I'm too old to ever have a story that has the phrase "knee deep in pudding" anywhere in it, and it makes me kind of sad.
19. I think I would actually kill someone to get tickets to see the Bears play the Packers at Lambeau in December. It has to be cold and snowing, with seats on the fifty yard line, right on the rail. I'd even settle for seeing them play at Soldier Field, but really, Lambeau is where it's at.
20. I'd love nothing more than for my wife to get a job at Notre Dame, if for no other reason, that I'd get to hang out on that campus. I know it's greedy, but there it is.
Now for the 10 people that I am tagging and why-
1. Shawn- because Chloe's going to make him do it anyway. (amen Dave)
2. Shannon- because I don't know as much about her as I thought. (again, good call Dave)
3. Sarah- because I'm interested in her random thoughts and I don't know anything about her. If she's dating Dave I should probably get to know her.
4. Star Joe- because I haven't talked to the kid in ages, and I wonder where he's at in life.
5. Cindy- because she is one of my friends that have fallen by the wayside, and because I'd love to see what's going on in her head these days
6. Karlie- because I haven't really been there for her and I want to know more about her.
7. Amanda- mainly because we've known each other forever, but have let time/space get in the way of our friendship
8. Stacy- if only because she's had a rough go of things and I'm curious where her head's at now
9. Will- I'm curious about the "rock star" life he leads and to see if things are turning out the way he hoped they would back in the day
10. Laura- again, someone who fell be the wayside and has managed to find me and I'm curious about her world
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