Sunday, June 08, 2008

and then this one time......

I'm not sure where I'm going with that, but there it is anyway. I hope that all of you are doing well and that the weather is behaving better there than here. It actually snowed the other day for a couple of minutes. It's acutally snowing on the mountains here right now, an it's June! Pretty crazy stuff, but in MT it truly can snow any month of the year here, and it has. I've even seen 4th of July fireworks in a snowstorm. All I can say is they were pretty amazing.

Past the crappy weather, not much happening out this way. Just kind of in a holding pattern, waiting for things to really get going in another couple of weeks. I put in my vacation request and will be taking the last two weeks of July and the first week or so of August off. I'm really looking forward to the time off and getting up to Glacier and maybe even down to Yellowstone a couple of times. My buddy Dave is coming out for a week, then I move Sy to KS, and the last week of my vacation my mom will be out for a visit. I'm no seeing too much relaxation occurring on my time off, but at least I won't be at work. Take care friends and we'll talk to you later.


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