She's gonna eat me!!!
Well, I doubt that she'd eat me, as she's a herbivore, but the moose I stumbled on sure scared the shit out of me. I should probably start at the beginning. I was fly fishing Wednesday on the Gallatin River, just outside of Gallatin Gateway, and I heard something in the brush next to the river. I looked over and not fifteen yards from me is this huge moose, just looking at me. I was extremely surprised to see a moose as I thought it'd be a deer or something, but there it was. It ws probably just as surprised to see me and we just stood there for a couple of minutes staring at each other. I decided that I should probably create some space between us as moose do not particulary like people, so I crossed the river and just sat on the bank watching her for awhile. I eventually got back to fishing, but kept a close eye on what she was up to, to make sure she didn't decide to cross the river too.
Aside from that, nothing much new has been happening in my world. My wife is heading down to Manhattan, KS on Wednesday to interview for a job at Kansas State, so we're hoping for good news on that front. I know many of you in IL/IA would love for us to move closer, but I really didn't want to move back to the Midwest. This job would only be a one or two year post, so we wouldn't have to stay there forever, but even two years away from the mountains will be hard.
On the fitness front, I didn't manage to break below 235 last week, and I doubt that I'll hit it this week. I haven't been able to work out because I messed up my knee shooting hoops and am kind of waiting for that to stop hurting before I get back into it. I did go to a doctor last week and got a complete physical and had him check out my knee. He doesn't think I did anything too terrible to it and was able to give me some good news as well. I had my cholesterol checked as well as some other blood tests and it turns out that my cholesterol is really good an that I'm in pretty good shape overall. I just need to work on my fitness some more and drop the rest of my weight and I'll be golden. Wish me luck and I hope all is well in your worlds.
This is probably really sad, but I read the title of this post "She's going to eat me" and I wondered what it was that I was going to get so mad about. I'm really glad it was just a moose because, contrary to what you sometimes think, I don't like to be mad at you and I don't like you to think that I'm going to be or am mad at you.
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