Another brick in the wall
A hearty congrats go out to Big Mike and wife on their announcement of an upcoming baby! Traitor. Just one more in a long line of friends starting families. I know it's that time in our lives guys, but seriously, I'm scared as hell about starting a family and all of you that are doing it are just putting more pressure on me to get started. The wife will be finishing grad school in the next couple of months and once we figure out where we're going, I think that a baby will be on the way. I'm really okay with starting a family, just scared. Scared of being a bad dad, of screwing up someone else's life, of being too selfish to give up my current life for the next one. I see some of my great friends and how amazing they are as parents and worry that I won't be able to step up to that level. Maybe I'm just scared of "growing up" and I just need to put on my big boy pants and stop whining.
Anyway, I haven't really been up to too much out here, mainly because it keeps snowing! It's supposed to snow basically all next week, and while it's good for the rivers and forests, it's starting to get a little old. I'd like to start golfing and to do a bit more fly fishing without freezing my butt off. On a positive note, I lost four pounds from last week and I'm now within a pound or so of 235. I haven't weighed this little in quite some time, maybe eight years, so I'm pretty jacked about that and am hoping to get down to 220 by my anniversary. Not much more to say now, but I might post more tomorrow.
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