Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Year's resolutions revisited

I decided to start a new post so that the last was a stand-alone and it hopefully won't get lost in the updates.

So it's April and I thought that I'd check in on my resolutions and see where I'm at so far and to set a new time-table as needed. (the resolutions in italics, the excuses in regular)

1. Get down to 200 pounds by my anniversary (6/19/08). Well, I'm at just over 236 right now, which means that I'd have to lose just over three pounds a week from here on out. I don't think that I can hit that, but I'm thinking that I can definitely get below 220. I'll keep you posted on that as always, if for no other reason it keeps me accountable.

2. Finish the x-mas presents for my friends by the end of January. In my defense, I was scared to go into my shop for a long time after my run-in with the table saw and I still haven't spent too much time in there, partly due to fear, but also because it's been freezing cold and I don't have a heated shop. Not really an excuse, but there it is. I do need to get back on track with those or I'll be able to give them as presents for next year which wouldn't be good.

3. Finish my boat by May 1st. Now this one may still be possible, but I should probably finish the x-mas presents first.

4. Try to fly fish at least one a week for the whole year (or at least fifty times). Well, I've been out four times already this year and am looking forward to the summer when I can really get after it, so I think that this one is still on track.

5. Pass the police physical test by July 1st. (not neccessarily for employment) I think that I'm doing all right with this one, need to run more, but the yoga is helping with my core strength and I think that I'll be ready by this date, maybe once it gets nice out I'll run a test physical and post my results.

6. Put two months salary in savings by June 1st. I'm looking good on this one and I'm hoping to hit this number right on schedule.

7. Do everything in my power to help my wife graduate in May. Now this is an interesting one. My wife will not be graduating in May, more like July, but I wonder if I've accomplished what I set out to do on this one. It's so hard to gauge if I'm helping my wife or not. How do I help? Do I push her harder? Do I try to get her to relax more? Threaten her labmates? Bribe her committee? I really have no idea, but I worry that I'm not helping and can't figure out what I should be doing. They really need to write a book about this to help the spouses out on this. Maybe that's what I'll do, write an instruction manual for the spouses of graduate degree seeking students. Brilliant!

8. Throw the best graduation party ever for my wife (May 10th). As we've discussed, graduation has been pushed back a little bit, but the party will still be ridiculous whenever it happens and I promise to post an invite here for all of you.

So it looks like I haven't really hit all any of my goals really, but I'm still working on them which is more than most people can say by this time of year. Hope that you're still hitting your resolutions and if you've given up, start over now, no need to wait 'til next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I think I should comment on resolution #7. And, I think you are doing just fine at the moment. But, here in a week or so, I'll start really writing and working my butt-off and things could change. So, keep an eye on me. Make sure I sleep, eat, and do something other than type occasionally.

I love you.

3:59 PM  

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