Sunday, November 18, 2007

Idle hands always.....

go for the genitals. Something to think about.

Anykerways, things have been going good around here.I had a great birthday and was lucky enough to have a group of friends over that night to watch football and eat a ton of food. It was really fun and the game was amazing. Good food, great friends, and a ton of beer, everything a birthday should have.

The really crazy thing was that I managed to lose over three pounds depsite my birthday party and I finally got below 240 for the first time in a long time. I'm pretty excited about that and have almost reached my halfway goal of 35 pounds. I'm hoping to make it there before December, but we'll have to see how that goes with Thanksgiving in the way.

I've been doing some hunting, but haven't shot anything recently. I'm going to try to go shoot a deer or two on Tuesday morning and an elk on Wednesday. We'll have to see how it goes. Big game season ends on Sunday, but I have to work Friday through Monday, the next couple of days will be my only chance. I haven't ever shot anything bigger than a duck and have unfilled big game tags from the last few years, but I'd like to break the trend. Anyways, I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving.


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