A great Nirvana song, and incredibly appropriate since I haven't posted in just over a month. Things got a little crazy there for a bit as it was getting close to finals and such. Work has been a little busy, with the fiscal year ending so I've been a little distracted, but it's no excuse for ignoring you, my friends. Again, I apologize and I hope that all of you are still checking in to see if I've updated lately. In my defense, I've checked some of the other blogs that I read, and they haven't posted in almost as long, which doesn't make it right, but it does give me some sort of vague excuse.
What to say? Classes are over. I managed to snag a B- in my Physics class, and my sociology professor gave me an extension on my coursework, so I have until mid-June to turn in a couple of things. Yeah me! The nice thing is, this extension was offered by him, I didn't have to go and beg for it. I love this teacher! Sy finished her semester of teaching and seemed to enjoy it, even though it took a lot out of her. 240 students is, at least in my mind, too many, but it was a great learning experience. We're both glad summer is here, and are looking forward to spending a lot of time together. I even managed to work the day shift for June and possibly July. I'd still have my weekends off, but it would allow me to live a "normal" life, if even for a couple of months. We're hoping to take some long weekends and do some of the things we've been trying to do for a couple of summers. Camping, sight seeing, maybe even visiting friends. Sy is currently home spending some time with her fam, and will be going to a Civil War reenactment this weekend. I hope she remembers to think of me when she's shooting off the cannons! It is really intense!
In truth, I had tried to post twice just after my last entry, but the damn network on campus was acting up and erased both of my attempts. It was titled Audio Nostalgia and here is part of what it said, if I remember correctly.
Do you ever hear a song on the radio and have a very strong memory attached to it? I mean, you remember the place, the person that goes with it, even sometimes the circumstances. Here are a couple of examples from my life, and I'd love to hear about your own musical remembrances.
1. Beautiful People Marilyn Manson the under-21 club in downtown Davenport on Goth night
2. Black Velvet Alannah Myles my 6th grade dance (who was your boyfriend then MLF? Hint: it wasn't me, it never was me)
3. Heart Shaped Box Nirvana chilling in Aledo (Angel), hanging out with Shawn and Dave
4. Sunrise Sunset Mr Parks crying like a little girl at my wedding(I love you Sy)
5. Criminal Fiona Apple my insane girlfriend in Bozeman
6. Loser Beck my sophomore Prom (Jana, Shawn, Laura, Becky, the whole gang) Jana, those were great shoes!
7. any old school Metallica the Thunderchicken (Shawn, Dave, Joe)
8. Call me Al Paul Simon road trip to Vail with Jen
9. old school techno hanging out with Dave after curfew/dates/midnight/cruising
10. Kissing You Des'ree my first dance with my wife (probably crying)
11. Exquisite Dead Guy TMBG concert at Monmouth College (Sy, Dave) creepiest thing I ever saw, puppet heads on a long stick with red light singing, creepy
12. Shoop Salt & Pepa Sherrard Winter Prom (Dave, remember who we went with?)
13. any Dave Matthews hanging out with Tom & Drea (I love you guys)
14. Nothing Else Matters Metallica Belgrade Halloween dance (Julie) Snow White turned down the Wicked Witch
I'm sure that there are plenty more that I've forgotten in the past couple of weeks, and for that matter past few years, but those ones stick out in my mind. I'm sure if I really sat down and thought about it, I could find so very many more. Again, I would love to hear from all of you about your own song memories.
As for working out, if you think my blogging has suffered, you don't even want to think about my exercise plans. I have been getting back into it again, and I've got about 14 weeks until the triathlon. I will be ready, come hell or high water. I still fear the swim though.