Saturday, June 30, 2007

Goodbye another 2.2 pounds....

By God, it really looks like I'm going to do it this time! I'm so very happy that I've finally found something that I can stick to that is really showing results. I still haven't been getting to the gym, which is really sad, but I've still managed to take off the pounds. I've lost 16.6 pounds in only six weeks! While I'm not setting any records, I am doing it and I'll never get this big again. Only ten more pounds and I'll have lost just over ten percent of my weight!

In other news, I've been doing some more fly fishing and having a blast with that. I caught a gorgeous brown trout the other day on a fly that I tied and developed, so I was really happy with that. The fish was actually longer than the net I had, but luckily they bend. He destroyed the fly, but I have many more and am looking to get back out there and catch some more.

The wife tells me that her research is going well, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that everything holds together until at least she's done with it. I'm still hoping for an October finish, but we'll see. I hope all is well with all of you and I hope to hear from you.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Another .4 pound down

I had a great time this week and I still managed to keep losing weight. Life is good! The wife and I celebrated our eighth anniversary on Tuesday, and we spent it just relaxing and spending time together. We went down to the Quake Lake National Forest Area and had a picnic and hiked around. Then I got a chance to do a little fly fishing and we saw four mountain goats drinking just across the river from me. It was pretty cool and I even managed to catch a really nice rainbow trout.

On Wednesday, I took my buddy's step-daughters fishing at a local pond and we caught quite twenty fish between the three of us, so that was fun. On Thursday, I went fly fishing with a different buddy on the Gallatin, and managed to catch five trout, including a tiny brown trout. I managed to break one of my fly rods, so I was a little upset, but I did find a brand new inner tube stuck on a log in the river, so it almost offset the loss of the rod. We then went to the grand opening of the Sportsman's Warehouse. It's freaking amazing! I went back later in the day with the wife and met up with another couple. He and I were having a blast, but the wive's didn't seem as excited. Something about our paychecks being directly deposited to the store probably had something to do with it. I managed to get out of there with only a new fly fishing vest, but I've been needing one for awhile, so I didn't feel too bad. I'll definitely be spending more time there though, and certainly more money.

Past all of that, haven't been up to too much, but that's about all I could fit into my days off. I hope all of you are having a great summer.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Only 1.2 pounds....

...but it still is coming off. I haven't been working out as much as I should be, so I know that I can keep losing the weight. I just have to stick to the program and start exercising more and I'll reach my goals.

I've been flyfishing a little, but past that not much going on around here. I'm going to be celebrating my 8th anniversary on Tuesday and I think we're going to go visit Quake Lake and that area of MT. Maybe just have a nice picnic lunch and do some hiking, nice and low key, but hopefully it will be nice. I'll tell you all about it later.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Another five pounds!

Another good week for me. I dropped five pounds and started working out again. This morning I had my best run ever, which isn't really impressive, but it's all starting to come together for me. I'm hoping that at my next weigh-in I'm below 250, which I think is achievable. We'll see.

I also managed to sneak in a night of fly fishing and I managed to catch a couple of fish. I caught a really nice sized rainbow trout and a smaller brown trout. It was so beautiful on the river and just a perfect night for fishing. I went with my buddy S, and he managed to hook a few himself and then we went out for beer and pizza. An all around great night, and I was able to stay within my points from WW.

Past that, not much else going on. Went to the art gallery walk last night with some friends and had a nice dinner with them, but otherwise, just plugging along.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Eight pounds in a week!!!

Weight Watchers rules! While I know that this rate of loss won't continue forever, it's a freakin' great start and really encourages me to continue with the program. I'm hoping to have lost about 30-35 pounds by the end of the summer. We'll see if that's attainable, but its a goal to look forward to and it splits my total weight loss goal in half. I'm hoping for 200 pounds by 2008, which isn't completely unreachable, but it will take some work. As soon as I can shake this cold that I've picked up I'll be back in the gym and on my way.

I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth saying again. I will be back in the Midwest in late July for a week or two. I'll be spending quite a bit of my time in the Cedar Rapids area, but I do plan to get to the QC for at least a little bit. If anyone's interested in getting together, let me know and we'll see if we can't work something out. Back to the grind, but I'll post more later.