Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another 2.6 pounds down

I'm now down to 246.4 and still going down. I weighed in today and was pretty stoked about the results. Especially since I haven't been tracking my points or anything while I've been on vacation. I definitely plan to start once I get home again just to keep up the progress and to stick to the program.

Tomorrow is my last day here in the Midwest and it has been a nice trip. I'm not sure as I would call it a vacation as I've been pretty busy helping everybody around here. I've installed three ceiling fans in my Mom's new apartment and built her a really cool piece of furniture. I'll post pictures of it and everybody when I get home and have a little more time. I've helped Sy's dad trimming trees and getting that stuff hauled away and helped (marginally) with designing a kick-bike for my niece from France (pictures of both to follow).

It's been nice to see all of the families but I will definitely structure my vacation a little differently next time. I think that next time we are here we will send out an itenerary about a month in advance and give everyone two weeks to protest/make changes and then after that it is an unbreakable schedule. I think this would really help with some of the struggles that seem to occur between the families about who's spending time where and such. I think that this struggle is the only real blight on coming home and while I hope that this will be the last trip with these issues, I'm sure to continue hearing about it for quite some time from pretty much everyone.

Well guys, wish me luck on the trip home and I probably won't be posting much for another week or so as I've still got a week off once I get home. Take care and know that I'm thinking of all of you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wow, I'm not very good at this

So I really did intend to update this blog during my trip home and let it serve as kind of an itenerary for what I'd be up to while I was here, but so far I have filed miserably. No real reason why except I kind of forgot and I haven't made the time to do it.

Anyways, I'm going to the QC this afternoon and will be visiting some friends. I'll be back to Cedar Rapids tonight and while I currently don't have any plans to get back down there, I can always change my mind/plans. On Sunday, my niece is being baptized and Sy and I are going to be named godparents, and after that I believe it will be a family gathering on my side. Past that, no real plans, but I'm still planning on heading back to the Land of the Big Sky around August 1st.

As an aside, I weighed in while I was here over at WW and they said I lost another 3.4 pounds and I'm now almost two pounds under 250. Go me! I hope to hear from some of you while I'm here and if not, take care.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Albert Lea

Just and FYI for those of you who were wondering how the trip was going and where we ended up. We left Bozeman around 6:30 in the morning and pretty much drove straight through until we got to Albert Lea MN. It's currently a little before midnight and we only have a few hours of driving left for tomorrow so that is nice. I'm seriously contemplating shooting my truck, but I haven't decided which reason I'm killing it for yet. It currently is doing a neat trick where it gets really close to overheating pretty much the entire time its in the sun or doing over 75 MPH. It's really upsetting since I know that the thermostat is good (replaced it last year) and the water pump is working (replaced it last spring). The part that is severely pissing me off is we added some fluids to it around mid-day thinking maybe it was a little low on coolant/fluids, but all that inspired the damn thing to do was leak fluid from a seam near the top of the radiator. I'm not really sure what's going on at this point and I'm way too tired to think about it now. It was really freaking hot all across the Midwest and with the truck running hot, we weren't able to use the AC at all. Super lame! Luckily, we only have a couple of hours of driving tomorrow, so we'll get a decent start on the day and get to Cedar Rapids before it gets too hot. Hope to hear from all of you soon and we'll try to see as many of you in the area as we can.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Stupid trains!

Damn thing went right off the tracks. I managed to somehow gain .6 pounds last week, not a large amount or anything, but frustrating. I was doing so well, but I'll still stick to the program and hopefully I'll see better results this week.

I took my buddy's step-daughters fishing on Thursday and while they didn't do too much fishing, I managed to catch 25 fish in just under two and a half hours. It was pretty amazing! You have to keep in mind that in the time span I was helping the girls untangle their lines and everything else. It was fun and I'm kind of sad that we won't be able to do it for a couple of weeks while I'm gone.

Sy and I are getting ready for the trip to IA on Tuesday. We'll be in the area for about two weeks and I think that the best way to get ahold of me is through this website. I'll be checking it as well as my email, but since I haven't joined the technological age and got a cell phone, this will pretty much be the only way. I hope to see some of you while I'm home.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

That ole train keeps a'rollin.....

Another 1.6 pounds down! I'm really worried that at some point I'm going to have a week where I don't lose, or even gain, weight and I lose my momentum. I know it's only a matter of time before a setback occurs, but still I worry about how I'll handle it. I'm getting so close to one of my goals, to lose twenty pounds, that I worry that after I achieve that, I'll lose sight of my longer term goals. Eventually I want to get down to 200 even, but I guess that I need to focus on smaller, short term goals while keeping that end in sight. I know that I can do it, but I guess I just need a little more faith in myself and in my support network.

I'm really lucky in that a couple that I know have just joined WW due to my success with the program and their own desire to lose weight. Maybe I'm feeling the pressure of being an inspiration and that I don't want to let them down. Luckily, I think the husband and I are going to start going to the gym together again and I really think that this will help both of us keep up with the program. We're both in about the same shape, so that helps and I think that between us, there's enough motivation to go around.

I had a nice 4th of July. Sy and I went hiking with some friends back to a beautiful lake in the Hyalite area south of town in the morning. We went over to a party in the afternoon at another couple's house and hung out and ate a lot. We set off fireworks after dark and then watched the city display. It was nice. I only managed to sneak in a couple of hours of fly fishing one day this past week and I got skunked, but it was nice to just be out on the river. Aside from that, life just keeps plugging along. Hope all is well with all of you.