Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wow, I'm not very good at this

So I really did intend to update this blog during my trip home and let it serve as kind of an itenerary for what I'd be up to while I was here, but so far I have filed miserably. No real reason why except I kind of forgot and I haven't made the time to do it.

Anyways, I'm going to the QC this afternoon and will be visiting some friends. I'll be back to Cedar Rapids tonight and while I currently don't have any plans to get back down there, I can always change my mind/plans. On Sunday, my niece is being baptized and Sy and I are going to be named godparents, and after that I believe it will be a family gathering on my side. Past that, no real plans, but I'm still planning on heading back to the Land of the Big Sky around August 1st.

As an aside, I weighed in while I was here over at WW and they said I lost another 3.4 pounds and I'm now almost two pounds under 250. Go me! I hope to hear from some of you while I'm here and if not, take care.


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