Sunday, December 03, 2006

My next project?

I was telling you about building a woodshop in my friend's basement, and while my motive are relatively pure, there is a small benefit to me. You see, I have been offered almost completely unrestricted access to this amazing place to work on any projects that I desire. While for some of you this might not seem like a big deal, it is wonderful news to me as my woodshop doesn't have heat. As much as I like my tools to freeze to my skin, I thought it would be a change to build something in the winter without the fear of hypothermia. I've found some pretty amazing projects online such as a new kitchen table, or even some decorative end tables, but I'm looking for something a little more functional, but also something that will be fun to build and use. That's why I'm seriously contemplating building the boat pictured above. It's a fairly simple design and dates back to the early 1800's. You usually see this type of boat in the bayous of Louisiana and other Cajun enclaves, but it's used for duck hunting all over because its very stable and lightweight. I thought it would be fun to flyfish out of and to just paddle around in some of the beautiful lakes and rivers we have around here. Obviously it's not a white water boat, but there are some calm stretches of the rivers that would be neat to see from the water. Oh, by the way, the type of boat is a pirogue (peee-rogue). The only thing that's holding up my nautical ambitions is my lovely wife who tells me that I don't need a boat. While it may be true that I don't need a boat, I really think that I want one and I'd love the chance to build my own. So, I need your help in lobbying the wife for my next project.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm the evil wife who won't allow him to do anything fun. I mean, I've bought him waders (two sets because the first got a hole and wasn't warm enough), two guns (because you can't hunt birds with a rifle if you want any of the bird left and you can't hunt elk and deer really without one), a wader dryer, two coats, warm pants, etc... I could go for days here. All this so he can go out and shoot NOTHING! And you would think he would atleast stay warm and dry after all this effort on my part, but NOOOO, he thinks it necessary to fall into every body of water he comes near.

I just really don't think we need to add a boat to our vast collection of material goods at the moment. We are going to be moving soon because (knock on wood) I am going to graduate. We don't have alot of space to store it. And before he says "It can go in the garage", ask him why our bikes aren't in the garage at the moment? I could go on quite awhile here, too, but I think I'll stop my rant and move on.

Don't get me wrong, I like the boat. I think it is beautiful and that he would make a very nice, non-leaky one. I would endorse completely him building it for a friend. I just don't want to have to deal with owning it.


10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is really cool, but I think you should be working on something more practical, like bunkbeds or a dollhouse for your favorite niece! Kidding, have happy building and be careful!

Love You!

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry hon, I have to go with the female concensus and agree with the wife. It sounds like you both have some stuff more important at the moment. But it's not like she said no, just not now. so before you throw yourself on the floor and start kicking and screaming "but I want it!" just remember, all good things in time. And before you start looking to Shawn for support on this remember he's more deprived then you, it's not likely he'll feel sorry for you. If our news has it right, you need a sled more then a boat right now anyway. can't wait to see you guys! Lots of hugs and kisses- Chlo-bo

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:01 PM  
Blogger Big K said...

To defend my honor, I have shot a few things, just nothing larger that a duck. Maybe I'll just have to build the boat under the guise of a gift to a friend, who ends up not liking it. Yes, subterfuge, it has a lot going for it.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll give you subterfuge! Don't think that I'm not smart enough to catch on to that age old trick! Remember all your friends are my friends, too.

Love ya,

5:03 PM  

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