The Great White Hunter
My ass. I really need to get better at this whole hunting thing. I went out with a buddy on Wednesday to hunt just about anything that we could find. In the morning we set up our decoys in a small open area of water on a pond and proceeded to see nothing. We got tired of freezing our asses off so we hiked around looking for pheasants and possibly a deer for me. Well, my buddy managed to get two pheasants and chased some does toward me, but nothing I could shoot. We ended up packing all of our gear up and headed to another area to hunt. Right when we got there, my buddy spotted a pair of deer hiding on an island. There was a nice looking white-tail buck and a doe, so we got out and started stalking them. My buddy decided to push through the island and chase them out, while I went around and got into shooting range. The buck ran out just where it was supposed to, and I took three shots at him. He didn't fall down, but it turned out that I had hit him. Apparently I didn't hit him cleanly because he ran for about two miles, swam the river five times and escaped into private land. With the way he moved, I think he'll be fine, but I still feel awful about a wounded animal running around. All around not a very good day, but it was nice to be out in the woods.
Thanksgiving was fun and Sy cooked her heart out. Dinner was excellent and we had a great time. We had a lot of friends over and it was the way the holiday should be celebrated. I hope that all of you had a good holiday and didn't eat too much.
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