Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Fatty McLardass

Thanks Dave. There is some truth to this statement, as I have avoided the gym for the past couple of weeks. No reason really except that I'm being a little bitch about going. It's not even like I hate it that much. I just can't find the motivation to go. I've been pretty lazy and down for a bit now and I really need to find some way out of the funk that I'm in. I've got to pull my shit together and start acting like a grown up. Just because I don't want to do something, doesn't mean that I don't have to do it. That's part of what being an adult is, and I really need to learn this lesson and take it to heart.

Not much else new in my world. I went to some disaster response training last week. It was pretty cool and I learned alot. Triage, building searches, all kinds of fun stuff. If nothing else, it's something to put on my resume.

I'm going to be a good boy and get to the gym this morning, even if it's just for twenty minutes on the elliptical runner. Better that nothing, though I'm afraid what that evil scale will say about me today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Kev's defense, he couldn't possibly have made it to the gym last week, even though it was spring break. Because of that disaster training, he went to work at midnight, got off at 7, and then trained from 8 to 4. Home and to sleep. Repeat. We did manage to get some nice walks in last weekend, though those apparantly don't count for some reason.

8:10 AM  

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