Saturday, May 24, 2008

Change we can believe in!

Barack Obama had a rally in Bozeman on Monday, and I was there! It was pretty amazing with over 7500 people in attendance. It was hell for law enforcement so I had a busy day at the office, but hearing him speak was worth it. I'm told that it's the first time that presidential candidates have campaigned in MT for a long time. Usually, by the time that MT would have it's primaries, June 3rd, everything had already been decided. We're actually the last primary in the nation, so it's nice to matter for once. Bill Clinton is actually coming to campus today to speak, but they're expecting a much smaller turnout for him. I'd go but someone has to hold down the fort here.

In other news, I managed to get out and play a round of golf, and while the course had some flooding from the spring runoff, it really didn't affect things too much unless you hit it out of bounds. Beyond that, nothing much new to report, Sy is working frantically on her thesis and I'm just trying to support her as best I can.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Where's my head at?

I don’t know what’s going on in my head right now, but I’m just sitting here at work listening to Staind songs and crying. Don’t really know why, things in my world are actually going very well. My finger’s almost back to normal, the wife’s thesis is coming along faster than I thought it would, and our relationship is going wonderfully. Maybe it’s just the stress of everything happening at once, maybe I’m just tired. Who knows? I’m just glad I’m in the office alone so I can pull myself together without any questions.

Don’t really know why I told all of you about that, so just go ahead and ignore it and we’ll move on. You know, I’m just going to get back to this later. A fresh start and all that.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Big news!

I decided to set things up so I post my blog entries here(myspace) and on my regular blog so that my friends who don't have myspace accounts don't get shorted, but you aren't forced to go to another site to keep up with my world.

So the big news in my world is that my wife accepted a job at Kansas State University doing post-doctoral research in physics education. She's really excited about it and will be doing something she really enjoys, just a shame it has to be in Kansas. The job starts around August 1st, but I'll probably be in Bozeman until at least mid-September, if not later. I guess this is my way of letting all of you know that if you want to see MT on the cheap, time is running out.

In more personal news, last Wednesday I tried to put a router blade through my right middle finger. I managed to miss the bones and while the finger is still the same length as when I started, it is missing a little flesh out of the middle. It's healing fast and soon it'll be back to normal, but I wouldn't recommend any of you trying it any time soon. For those of you keeping track, that's one table saw through the end of my left index finger in December and the router blade through my right middle finger in April. Let's see if I can't have better luck in my future, or my wife will replace all my tools with Bob the Builder stuff.