Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A little too close to home....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Great White Hunter

My ass. I really need to get better at this whole hunting thing. I went out with a buddy on Wednesday to hunt just about anything that we could find. In the morning we set up our decoys in a small open area of water on a pond and proceeded to see nothing. We got tired of freezing our asses off so we hiked around looking for pheasants and possibly a deer for me. Well, my buddy managed to get two pheasants and chased some does toward me, but nothing I could shoot. We ended up packing all of our gear up and headed to another area to hunt. Right when we got there, my buddy spotted a pair of deer hiding on an island. There was a nice looking white-tail buck and a doe, so we got out and started stalking them. My buddy decided to push through the island and chase them out, while I went around and got into shooting range. The buck ran out just where it was supposed to, and I took three shots at him. He didn't fall down, but it turned out that I had hit him. Apparently I didn't hit him cleanly because he ran for about two miles, swam the river five times and escaped into private land. With the way he moved, I think he'll be fine, but I still feel awful about a wounded animal running around. All around not a very good day, but it was nice to be out in the woods.

Thanksgiving was fun and Sy cooked her heart out. Dinner was excellent and we had a great time. We had a lot of friends over and it was the way the holiday should be celebrated. I hope that all of you had a good holiday and didn't eat too much.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Idle hands always.....

go for the genitals. Something to think about.

Anykerways, things have been going good around here.I had a great birthday and was lucky enough to have a group of friends over that night to watch football and eat a ton of food. It was really fun and the game was amazing. Good food, great friends, and a ton of beer, everything a birthday should have.

The really crazy thing was that I managed to lose over three pounds depsite my birthday party and I finally got below 240 for the first time in a long time. I'm pretty excited about that and have almost reached my halfway goal of 35 pounds. I'm hoping to make it there before December, but we'll have to see how that goes with Thanksgiving in the way.

I've been doing some hunting, but haven't shot anything recently. I'm going to try to go shoot a deer or two on Tuesday morning and an elk on Wednesday. We'll have to see how it goes. Big game season ends on Sunday, but I have to work Friday through Monday, the next couple of days will be my only chance. I haven't ever shot anything bigger than a duck and have unfilled big game tags from the last few years, but I'd like to break the trend. Anyways, I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I can't believe it.....

I'll be thirty tomorrow! You won't be able to trust me anymore. I have no idea when this officially happened, but apparently I'm an adult. Who knew?

Anykerways, nothing much happening around here. I went duck hunting on Tuesday and shot four. I really should have had more, but apparently I still need to work on my shooting a little bit. It was fun just to be out there and I saw some pretty amazing stuff like a huge Great Horned Owl and about five hundred geese. I went elk/deer hunting on Thursday and hiked about six or seven miles, but didn't see any animals. The view from some of the ridges I was walking on were pretty amazing though. The sunset on the snow covered mountains was especially cool. I haven't worked on my boat much, but I'm hoping to get back to it maybe this week.

I managed to lose a pound and a half this week and I've been sticking to my workouts, so I'm hoping to continue this trend. I'm hoping that this week I finally manage to break thirty pounds lost. Wish me luck and I'll post more as it occurs.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Just a few words.....

For starters, to my friend M, I'm glad everything's all right in your world. I felt weird after I got off the phone with you and I think it's because of the stalker vibe I was giving off. I swear that was not my intent, I just was worried about you since you've been in communicado for so long. You're one of the last friends that I have from that era of my life and I'd hate to let that fall by the wayside.

In other, less creepy news, I've restarted my boat project. I was very close to having all the framing done when one of the stringers exploded while I was bending it. Apparently there's a very good reason the plans call for half inch wide stringers versus the almost one inch wide that I was using. While I'm not happy that this happened, it does give me a chance to start over with a better knowledge of how things will go together and some ideas on how to improve my construction. Luckily, the break happened now versus out on the water somewhere and I'm only out about 20 hours of work and $25 worth of lumber.

On the fitness front, I've been being a good boy and working out again. I've even had some successes. I've managed to get my run time down to a 10 minute mile. While I still need to get down to a 12 minute mile and a half, this is still the fastest/farthest I've run in a very long time. Like I say, small successes, but I hope that they will add up to greater success down the road. We'll see if anything changes weight wise when I go to my meeting tomorrow, but I'm hopeful that I can finally break this plateau I've been holding steady on. I hope all is well in your world's and maybe let me know what's going on in them sometime.